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当前位置:主页 > IT最新资讯 > NVIDIA发布了GeForce 446.14 WHQL正式版显卡驱动

NVIDIA发布了GeForce 446.14 WHQL正式版显卡驱动

发布时间:2020-05-28 11:20 作者:深度技术来源:www.shenduupan.net

 NVIDIA发布了GeForce 446.14 WHQL正式版显卡驱动,重点针对当下火热的Riot Games首款FPS游戏《Valorant》进行了优化,包括性能增强、Bug修复等。同时,新驱动还优化了《我的世界:地下城》、《崩解》(Disintegration)、《Crucible》三款游戏的性能,并支持在《Onward》中开启可变超采样抗锯齿(VRSS)。

  Bug修复方面一共有九条,其中一条非常值得注意,那就是修复了采用麦克斯韦架构GTX 800M、900M系列显卡的笔记本在玩游戏时出现GPU占用率过高,导致温度过高、续航锐减的问题,这可都是四五年前的老本子了。

  另外,新驱动还修复了开启SLI时在多款游戏中帧渲染时间大幅增加的问题,以及七彩虹GTX 1650显卡上安装失败的问题。



  [Notebook]: Notebooks with Maxwell generation GPUs may experience higher GPU utilization during game play leading to reduced battery life and higher temperatures. [2929921/ 200608270]

  [SLI]: Major frame time spikes occur in multiple games.[2903264]

  [HDR]: Some games may appear very bright when HDR is enabled. [2909218]

  [Monster Hunter World Iceborne]: Artifacts appear in the game. [2903858]

  [Resident Evil 3 Remake][DirectX 12]: Some objects in the game may flicker. [2938095]

  [F1 2019]: The game may randomly crash to the desktop. [200608572]

  Fixed an issue where the shader cache was sometimes incorrectly purged upon launching an application. [2937218]

  Fixed driver installation issue on Colorful GeForce GTX 1650. [2919568]

  Corsair iCUE program triggers Geforce Overlay. [200614189]


  Windows 7 Issues

  [Notebook][H-Clone]: With the integrated graphics processor as the clone source, display settings cannot be changed from theNVIDIAControl Panel. [200594188]

  Windows 10 Issues

  [VR}: HDCP errors occur with Valve Index VR. [2967616]

  [Call of Duty: Modern Warfare]: Color banding occurs in the game after enabling image sharpening from theNVIDIAControl Panel. [2889337]

  [Notebook][H-Clone]: With the integrated graphics processor as the clone source, display settings cannot be changed from theNVIDIAControl Panel. [200594188]

  [SLI][Doom Eternal]: Corruption occurs in the game upon opening the Steam overlay. [200593967]

  [Call of Duty - Warzone]: Freestyle does not work. (200593020)

  [Forza Motorsport 7]: The curb may display a black strip during a race on certain tracks. [2781776]

  [Zombie Army: Dead War 4][Ansel/Freestyle]: The Ansel & Freestyle tabs are unselectable. [2810884]

  [Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege][Vulkan][G-SYNC]: When playing the game in Vulkan mode with G-SYNC enabled, flickering occurs after switching the game between full-screen and windowed mode.[200578641]

  Workaround:Either disable G-SYNC or play using an API other than Vulkan.



  Windows 7, 8, 8.1| Windows 10 –Standard/DCH


  Windows 10 -Standard/DCH

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